This method brings a true rustic and "solid" feel to the cabin that other packages don't achieve with lesser materials.
First Floor
- 2 x 8 treated sill plate material
- Conventional lumber for sub floor joist 2 x 10's for 16" o.c.
- 2 x 10 rim joist material
- 3/4 OSB Subfloor, T&G
Second floor (if applicable)
- Second floor solid pine girder 6 x 10 (if applicable)
- 6 x 6 support posts as required
- 4 x 8 exposed beams—4ft on center
- 1 1/2” Solid pine planking for floor (also acts as ceiling for 1st floor)
Exterior Walls
- 8 x 8 solid logs
- Kiln Dried to 18%, graded Eastern White Pine solid logs for exterior milled with double tongue & groove. Double round, D-Log or Square log
- 2 x 8 pine log siding for dormers and sill cover
- SKiln dried and graded solid logs for gables/shed dormers
- Solid pine log gable and shed dormers in lieu of log siding
- Matching pine log siding for applicable areas (i.e. rim joist covers)
Door & Window Preparation
- 2 x 6 framing required to set windows
- Door locations cut out and framed in, ready to accept door
- Rough sawn exterior door and window trim (material provided only)
- Interior support posts and 6 x 6 solid posts
- Fastners & Miscellaneous
- Insulated weather seal gasket
- Log hog screws
Fastners & Miscellaneous
- Insulated weather seal gasket
- Log hog screws
- Log Caulking
Roofing, Ceiling and Insulation
- All materials are for a 10/12 pitch*
- Ridge beam 6 x 10
- Exposed 6 x 8 roof rafters
- Pine plank ceilings throughout 3/4" T&G planking
- T&G Pine soffit
- Roof sheathing 1/2" O.S.B.
- Ice & Water shield for valleys and near soffits
- 2 Pine fascia layered for proper a*Recreational cabins under 550 sq. ft. are built using 5" x 6" logs and do not include insulated roof
systems and many of the structural materials may be smaller than the items listed above.
- 15# roof felt
- 40 year metal roof (exposed fastner) with 4 color choices with ridge vent
- R49 Batt Insulation
- Fully timbered porch with exposed beams
- 6 x 6 timbers for posts, plates, and "Y" angles
- Well
- 4 x 6 timbers for porch rafters
- Porch roof lathing 2 x 4’s, 24” o.c.
- Porch ceiling 1 x 6 pine plane 3/4" T&G planking
- Porch roof felt 30#
- Porch fascia 1 x 6
- Girder for porch 6 x 6
- Joist for porch 2 x 8’s pressure treated 16” o.c.
- Decking for porch 5/4 pressure treated
- 40 year metal roof to match
- Steps to grade by owner
- Pads supplied by owner
- Main floor to second floor only if applicable
- 3" thick threads and 3/4" risers
- Peeled cedar railings and handrails
*Please consult our Sales Associates for details.
*Some restrictions apply.
Year-round Cabin Quality Standard (over 550 sq. ft.)
Features in our year-round cabins you won't find in most other packages.
- Log package and installation for single source accountability
- 8 x 8 kiln dried logs
- Heavy timbers for exposed rafters and ceiling joists
- Pine plank ceilings
- All porch materials including pine planked ceilings and peeled celar railings
- Solid log gable walls
- Pine soffits
- Complete interior stair systems with 3" thick treads and stringers, peeled cedar railings (Note: steps to basement not included)
- Expert craftsman to ensure proper fit and quality of your cabin
- Metal roof with 40-year warranty
- R-49 roof insulation to meet state of Michigan energy code
Log Information
Our logs are Eastern White Pine that are kiln dried to 18% moisture
content and harvested from northern Michigan. All of our logs are inspected and grade
stamped by a Certified Grader at our mill by the National Timber Products Inspections Guidelines.
Once they have passed our quality inspection process they are processed at our local mill
and are prepared for installation on you new log home.
4 Log Profiles and 2 Corner Profiles
![Oasis Log Homes Round Log](images/RoundLog.jpg)
![D Log](images/DLog.jpg)
![Oasis Log Homes Plank Log](images/PlankLog.jpg)
![Oasis Log Home Select](images/OasisSelect.jpg)
We offer 4 styles of log profiles; the Round log, D log, Plank log and our exclusive Oasis Select
profile. The hand hewn markings add additional rugged character and authentic feel.The D log and
the Round log measure 8” x 8”. The Plank log and Oasis Select are standard at 8" x 8" but can
be ordered as large as 8” x 10”(H).The logs are milled to include a double tongue and groove
system to help maintain straight stacking and accommodate an insulated weather strip for a weather-tight seal.
We offer 2 corner system; the Butt Pass or the Dovetail corner. The traditional Butt Pass
corner offers a traditional and authentic look, while the Dovetail corner features a locking
corner system that hints of a contemporary home. Each corner has its own weather-tight design.